Osborn Memorial Laboratories renovation and addition

Osborn Memorial Laboratories, front exterior view, rendering by HGA Architects, courtesy of Yale Facilities
Osborn Memorial Laboratories, Kroon Hall plaza view, rendering by HGA Architects, courtesy of Yale Facilities
Osborn Memorial Laboratories, interior view open lab, rendering by HGA Architects, courtesy of Yale Facilities
This project provides a full renovation of Osborn Memorial Laboratories (OML) and two new contemporary and high-performance additions to the existing building. The new configuration improves internal circulation and connectivity between its two wings (Prospect and Sachem) and creates new state-of-the-art laboratories, offices, meeting spaces, and seminar spaces.
These enhancements are being made to meet current code and programmatic needs while responsibly stewarding this heritage building, opened in 1913, for future generations. This project replaces the century-old slate roof; restores the textured stone building exterior and interior Guastavino-tiled vaults, along with its metal-framed glass windows; and transforms the double-height lecture hall to two floors of seminar and office space.
Upon completion, a renewed OML will be a central hub for the faculty of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB), Yale School of the Environment (YSE), Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies (YIBS) and Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture.

165 Prospect Street 

Project size
  • 132,000 gross square feet (total) 
  • 109,000 gross square feet (renovation) 
  • 23,000 gross square feet (additions, new space) 
  • Design: Fall 2023 to spring 2025   
  • Construction: Spring 2025 to summer 2027 
  • Occupancy: Fall 2027
program details
  • Architect of record: HGA Architects
  • Contractor: Suffolk Construction Company
For the community 
  • Anticipated disruptions in the construction area include noise, dust, and vibration.
  • Anticipated sidewalk and parking lane closure along Prospect and Sachem Streets.
For the city 
This project will create labor hours and trade opportunities for New Haven residents.
This program is being designed to support LEED v4 Gold certification in alignment with Yale’s zero carbon commitment. For more information about Yale’s climate action goals related to the built environment, visit the Office of Sustainability.

Top images: Renderings by HGA Architects, courtesy of Yale Facilities