Work to Support the Pierson-Sage Parking Garage Removal Begins Mid-December

The multi-phase transformation of Yale’s Upper Science Hill Development (USHD) is well underway, and the USHD project team is moving ahead this month with work around the Pierson-Sage Parking Garage in preparation for its demolition in June 2025.

To support the utility work needed prior to the garage removal, the berm – or ground cover embankment – surrounding the garage along Edwards Street and Whitney Avenue needs to be removed and the soil hauled away. This work is expected to begin as soon as the second week of December 2024 and will continue Monday through Friday for approximately two months, ending in early 2025.

In mid-December, prior to the berm removal, fencing and blue scrim will be erected around the perimeter of the berm area, similar to what can already be seen around the USHD site. There will be two main construction vehicle gates into the work area off Edwards Street: one between St. Ronan and Prospect Streets, and the other between St. Ronan Street and Whitney Avenue. Small ramps will be created at the existing curbs at these locations to allow for truck access.

Work will take place Monday through Friday during regular working hours between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., and may occasionally extend beyond these hours if necessary. The project team will remain in compliance with all city noise ordinances.

Considering campus life and our community

Minimizing disruptions to campus life and the surrounding community during construction continues to be a top priority for the USHD project team. Pedestrians may be slightly redirected intermittently along the Edwards Street sidewalk to support initial preparation logistics and trucks entering/exiting the site, but the overall impact to sidewalks along Edwards Street throughout the berm removal process, will be minimal.

Because truck traffic will increase in the area during this work, a city-approved truck haul route to and from the work area will continue to manage truck traffic. Security guards will also be placed at the gates to direct truck traffic and support pedestrian and cyclist safety.

Access to the Pierson-Sage Parking Garage entrance/exit will not be impacted during this work and the existing bus stop and blue phone on the Whitney Avenue side of the work area will stay active and sidewalk accessible throughout the project.

Future steps

After the berm around the garage has been removed, truck traffic into the site from Edwards Street will subside until demolition of the Pierson-Sage Parking Garage, which is scheduled to take place from June through December 2025. Upon completion, new entry and exit points into the project site will support truck traffic during phase two of Upper Science Hill Development construction through spring of 2030.

Logistics Plan for Berm Removal in USH

For parking permit holders

As a reminder, Pierson-Sage Parking Garage is scheduled to go offline on Monday, June 2, 2025. Permit holders will hear from Yale Parking in the coming months. Everyone with a primary parking assignment in this garage will be offered an alternative parking assignment.

Questions? connect with us

Please direct any questions about this work or other construction as part of the Upper Science Hill Development to

Image: Logistics plan for berm removal at the northeast corner of upper Science Hill